Monday, March 29, 2010

My favorite Ray moment is...

Please help me to celebrate Ray's birthday! Share your favorite Ray moment. I'll be sending him the URL to this site on his birthday as part of his present.

Thank you!


  1. My favorite daddy moments are when he lets us listen to our favorite songs in the car.


  2. Happy 40th birthday, Ray! There are SO MANY great moments to remember: Christmas dinner of hot-dogs and hamburgers, BBQs at the condo in Mtn View, BBQs in Maui, Super Bowl parties, playing Bop-It on New Year's Eve. My favorite is easy: Ray showing up to my 30th birthday party on crutches, and then singing all the words to J. Giles Band's "Centerfold" while playing air guitar on the crutches!

    Have a great one, Old Man! You are a very special friend!

  3. Ciao Ray- and happy birthday. My favorite Ray moment was in the early morning in Ann Arbor, the boys charged up and all of us rolling on the living room floor. I think we then made pancakes! In my mind, you stopped being my 'little' brother. It doesn't matter how old you are - being a wonderful brother doesn't seem to need a number, big or small. Isn't that fortunate! Lots and lots of love, Mimi

  4. I loved it when you sang Satisfaction at your wedding party and I loved it when you you first launched the internationally famous character of Turtle Boy ... but if I had to pick just one great Ray moment, I think it would be the time when I took you to the cricket match at Hastings and looked over to find you fast asleep in your deck chair - too much stimulation for you to handle all at once, I guess. Good preview of what you'll be like when your old!

  5. My favorite "Ray Moment" is at a party we had at The Hathaway House. You climbed up to this window above the toilet and you were doing the swim. I was still laughing the next day.

    Have a fabulous Birthday Ray!


  6. There are soooo many favorite Ray moments for me. I'm the big sister and I had the honor and joy of doing a lot of babysitting while Ray was growing up. One of my favorite big sister/little bro. babysitting moments was when we put stereo speakers out of the window of his room, onto the roof one evening, and played "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind", while we looked up at the stars and imagined seeing UFOs. It was pretty cool. At least...we thought we were pretty cool. :)
    Anyway, happy, happy birthday, Ray. You are loved in this world and the outer regions of the galaxy! Jane

  7. Uncle Ray...
    I have got to say that one on my favorite memories with you is when you took me to my first concert :) We went to the killers and it was definitely a killer experience HAHA. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful birthday and I will see you soon!

    XOXO- Annie

  8. My favorite Ray moment has to be many moons ago when I was courting the sweet Miss Jane. Mr. Rico Suave (yours truly) drove to Ann Arbor in the T-Bird convertible eager to impress DA. Young Ray, being the ever-thoughtful person he is, thought it would be the kind deed to clean the bugs off the car. As I walked out of the house toward the car, Ray was busy scrubbing on the finish with steel wool! The bugs were was the paint! We both still laugh about it any time we talk cars!
    Happy Birthday Ray!!!

  9. As a young college coed singing "Satisfaction" at our wedding. Surprised even the wedding band leader by singing the second verse. Happy Happy!


  10. Happy Birthday Ray!
    Too many favorites to choose from...NHL all star weekend in Vancouver; Fight night @ Sharkeez; Ice block party @ your apartment; Gamecocks first season; 151 shots @ Summers; Kings games; Sharks games; SF Giants games; "Miller Shaaaaaandwick Technologies"!; Mr Foghorn; Mr Leghorn. Happy Birthday. Miss you guys. Love, Brian & Stacey.

  11. Happy Birthday Ray! Favorite Ray moment was at the Halloween Party. I look up and there's Ray in a bumble outfit dancing with a mannequin! There are others...

  12. My favorite my Ray moment was the smashing of beer cans at the Reyes home. I believe Ray was in his element at the time. He really took to it. I guess you could say Ray was a natural. All that was missing was Ray with a mullet.

    Happy Birthday Joe Dirt

    Mike N

  13. What can we say about Mellow Ray?

    He has a great spouse,
    three kids who are bright,
    owns a great house,
    and always knows whose right.

    But what can we say,
    about Mellow Ray?

    He has a good career,
    and drives a good car,
    he drinks good beer,
    when he goes out to the bar.

    But what can we say,
    about Mellow Ray?

    Humorous with quick-wit,
    and also quite tall,
    would never think to spit,
    except when playing b-ball,

    Ray's just not the same,
    like us or even you,
    but certainly not lame,
    he's just being 42!

    Happy Birthday Ray! :)

    The Milliman Clan

  14. Happy Birthday, Uncle Ray!
    One of my favorite memories with you has to be visiting my Uncle Sting Ray in California way back when. More recently you took me to a Death Cab concert, which was one of the highlights of my year. Plus, everyone was jealous of what a cool uncle I have.
    Hope your birthday rocks just as much as you do. :)
    Love, Emily

  15. My favorite Ray moment--acutally there are two that come to mind. One, when you came to visti me in Chicago as a high school junior. River Shannon's spiirits were a bit much and we wound up tossing bedding in gargage shute. Two, when Dad came home on this day and said I had a brother! Have a great day.

    Brother Rob

  16. The Missing Lego Piece. Ray had a large box of legos which he played with a great deal. He came to me one day and complained that a very important, very small piece was missing. The two of us searched all of the logical places where said piece might be. No luck. We called Jane and Mimi, questioned them. Rob was out playing baseball, so not available. Nobody coould find it. As all of this activity was going on Ray was acting very strange even for a 5 year old . I finally looked him in the eye and said, "Did you swallow it?" Later it turned up. Love Kate
